1. Ayak tepung, soda bicarbonat, serbuk koko, garam dan vanilla
A cupcake is a small cake which is generally designed as a single serving. Many people enjoy making and eating cupcakes along with other miniaturized foods, and most bakeries offer a line of cupcakes in addition to their other desserts. In some parts of the world, a cupcake may be known as a fairy cake, which is the small and dainty size. Just like full sized cakes, cupcakes may be with an assortment of frostings, sprinkles, and other decorative elements. Emm..yumm..yumm..
Posted by Roxa Nie at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Ini adalah package menu resepi di hujung minggu bersama mertua dan ipar duai.
Cukuplah untuk menjamu 20 tetamu.
Antara menunya:
1.) Nasi Tomato
2.) Ayam Masak Asam (resepi utara)
3.) Sayur goreng kobis
4.) Paru goreng berlada (black pepper)
5.) Pecal
Posted by Roxa Nie at 8:17 AM 0 comments
It was on sunday morning at 7.15, such as lovely view near to the Tasik Seksyen 7, Shah Alam.
This friend was alone looking for buddy to chat...
Posted by Roxa Nie at 2:35 AM 0 comments
There are many ways you could go about this. A simple way to make a very soft cake is to add a flavored pudding or custard mix to whatever cake recipe you have.
By doing this, you will have a soft, moist, and supple cake with a good flavorful body.
If you're making a white or yellow cake, then use vanilla pudding.
If it's a chocolate cake, you can pretty much use whatever flavor without changing the cake's color.
Another way is to actually mix a regular cake batter, bake it, let it cool.
Because of the deliciously infused flavor, less sugar is needed to make it taste good, and less sugar means less hardening later on.
It's one of my favorite desserts because it is so delicate and soft and rich all at the same time.
Posted by Roxa Nie at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Activities on the weekend . Eating....Sleeping...Baking......Eating....Sleeping....Baking...Cooking....Walah....What a wonderfull life and ever......................
Make myself all these cakes for family...boleh lah..
Posted by Roxa Nie at 5:25 AM 0 comments
This BIG Orange (tanglung), insides are the oranges,
BANK to us - all the Remisier at Damansara Heights, Jln Duta, KL.This cupcakes I ordered from Kak Jasmeen, this the second time I had ordered from her...
Excellent and bravo cakes cupcakes made by her.....if you want to taste the best in the world cakes cupcakes, to call her here at
Kak Meen, the cupcakes pink colour fondant tu tak sempat nak snap photo tu.....this morning I went to pick up this cupcakes from Kak Meen's house at 6.40am gitu........lagipun pagi ni juga I have to deliver to rumah Zura, nak nikah besok pagi Jumaat, sanding dan kenduri hari Sabtu. Tahniah Zura, Kampong Padang Jawa and WELLCOME to the Wives's Club.
Oh ya Along.....tahniah on your Engagement. All the best Along and be good towards your engagement liku2 gitu............
Posted by Roxa Nie at 4:29 AM 0 comments
My hubby's dinner...."Nasi Goreng Ayam Telor Kristal"......anak2 aku tanya kenape mak buh nama nasi goreng ayam telor....aku cakap lah sebab nasi goreng tu ada ayam goreng ada telor goreng....hah...kan senang jer tu.......
My kids meals for dinner..."Sizzling Yee Mee Telor Udang".......aeerrr..
bukan mee hailam, bukan mee bandung yer...tapi sizling mee gitu......
Ni adalah "makan malam" aku...????????
Karipap ni made by AKU.....inti dalam ayam dengan kentang, perasa perencah sup ayam....resepi mak aku........stock karipap ni boleh la last for 3,4 days gitu, buh dlm fridged then pagi2 aku goreng utk aku dan hubby aku.....mak aku kata rasa karipap aku ni boleh laaa.......
Kek cheese and bluebery...........WALAH...
Posted by Roxa Nie at 5:48 AM 0 comments